Sunday, March 18, 2012

kinect Star Wars review

kinect Star Wars review

Kinect Star Wars

Feel the Force as a control."Kinect Star Wars ™" to bring Star Wars to life like never before. Control authority to control parking Kinect for Xbox 360, "Kinect Star Wars" fans to practice their physical Pagoda of the army in power in their hands, the iconic aircraft and vehicles,, or even resent the rock. Dancing with the iconic Star Wars characters using full body movement, players can live that fantasy is the ultimate fighting lightsaber from Star Wars, and more - can be controlled.
Kinect Star Wars
• Enter the galaxy of Star Wars you know and love "Kinect Star Wars" brought to life."Galaxy far" with beautiful images, complete with the iconic characters, vehicles, ships, droids, and more.• Use the painting with the famous saga "Star Wars Kinect" invites you to experience the diversity of playing a physical, exploiting the power of a Jedi knight with your fingers.• Set your training. Try the breadth of the universe, Star Wars, that swinging your lightsaber train to become a Jedi Master, soaring in the order of the speeder bike in a sample podracer, devastate, as furious anger, the struggle against the side obscure the one-on-one duel dances for Jabba Hutt and many others.• join forces. Others to get through the Co-op, competitive fights. Jump in and out, allowing a second player into action immediately in the pagoda.
Product."Jedi Destiny: Dark Side of the" mode:.• fulfill his destiny as a Jedi, you face a threat that could destroy the very fabric of the republic.• swing the lightsaber and the Force in the fight.• take part in the fighting in the area while traveling through the galaxy and in nearby Landspeeders pilot speed er and get your epic.
Dueling mode ago.• Close to the dark side in duels, one-on-One.• difficulty with the progress I have to beat your opponent in order to tackle the next.• When your opponent and Magna, the sun, Count Dooku, the Sith, Darth Vader and others.• Duel mode, including the fate of the three levels. Speed ​​erbike / Landspeeder, four and six levels to fight the battles and duels Jedi Master.
Podracing mode:.• A sample of the most dangerous sports in the galaxy.• completion of the six races on the planet.• Going forward, the ears will be fine. Choose from different races and customize your ears.• In the second "cycle" with the three races, each ending with the famous Boonta Eve.• win the final race to unlock the secrets Sebulba.
Rage rampage mode:.• there was escape from the hole under the palace, Jabba's' - rancor monster loose and threatened to destroy the Mos Eisley Your task is to wreak havoc - you are very angry!• Play in four different grievances of Naboo, Mos Espa, Mos Eisley and Felucia.• anger - Bull Sand Forest and authoritative (and unlock) - have their own unique ability.• destroy your way through this mode to unlock the secret anger at the end of the procession.
Galactic Dance Off:.• Dancing for Jabba Hutt and the other characters, like Star Wars you.• Star Wars characters and music, including the tongue-in-cheek covers of songs popular Star Wars theme.• Fifteen tracks difficulty for all my characters, and unlockable comic value.• Dancing in four different places: Jabba 's Palace on Tattooine, Bespin, Coruscant and the Death Star.• Dance your way through the growing pains of the planet and unlock a secret song at the end of the procession.
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Detail.Kinect Star Wars universe of Star Wars to life like never before. Control authority to control parking Kinect for Xbox 360, Kinect Star Wars, which allows fans to physically touch the tower training with an army and fight with a lightsaber with a player physically fit can have. the height of Star Wars fantasy, the controller is not required.